Ray Lago Is A Thief And A Liar!

In July of 2005 I contacted Ray Lago through his Website inquiring about him doing a commission for me on a blank Star Wars Heritage sketch card I had.

Ray was very excited to do the card for me and quoted me a price of $150 for a full-color sketch on my card. I sent him payment via Paypal and mailed the card off to him with insurance and tracking information. I tracked the package and saw that it had arrived so I began to wait for Ray's response.

Over the next couple of months, I e-mailed Ray asking for an update and I got no replies from him. I e-mailed him numerous times over the next few months and still received no reply.

After a few more months had passed, I finally got an e-mail from Ray (January 26, 2006). The e-mail was filled with excuse after excuse after excuse about why he didn't have my card finished. He then apologized and told me that I would have a proof scan within a couple weeks from him. I waited, and waited, and waited.

After three weeks had passed, I e-mailed Ray again asking for an update on my card. I got no reply. At this point, I was definately starting to get worried about my commission.

I would send Ray an e-mail once or twice a month inquiring about my card and all of my e-mails would go unanswered. On June 1, 2007 I was shocked to see an e-mail from Ray in my inbox. I opened the e-mail and got a sob story filled with more excuses from him about why my commission was not finished. He told me that June 2007 would be his "catch-up-on-long-overdue-commissions-month" and that mine would be done soon. That was the last time I heard anything from Ray.

Ray Lago owes me $150 and a blank Star Wars Heritage sketch card or a finished commission. Unfortunately, almost 3 years later, I don't think I'll see any of it.

I am not the only person that Ray has done this to, click HERE to hear from another person who Ray has stolen from.

If you have also been robbed by Ray or have any information about Ray Lago, please E-MAIL at kjakubowsk@aol.com.